Accounting Solutions for Entertainment Companies


Sometimes you just need someone to keep the books or keep your payroll on time. Sometimes you need to dig deep and find a long overdue resolution to a problem. Sometimes you need an experienced CFO to get things moving in a new direction. Your needs change, we can lend an extra set of hands or send in the whole team.


Chances are you’re creative, you work with other creatives, and even the thought of dealing with accounting is a headache. Fortunately, we’re used to that. It’s our goal to meet you in the middle and make life easier, not bog you down with endless follow-up questions and meetings. You don’t have to know the ins and outs of our business because we know yours. 


Production moves fast. So do we. Our team is comfortable under the pressure that comes with a busy schedule, a complicated payroll, and keeping tabs on cash flow, budgeting, and reporting. It’s our job to account for your money, not cost you more.

People first. Our people, and your people.

We are accountants who like people. Whether it’s a new client or a new hire, chemistry is important to us. It’s the foundation of a great relationship. You can find plenty of accountants who like to crunch the numbers and go home. We take pride in the connections we make with our clients and the level of service we provide to them.